Church and Community Mobilization Project (CCMP) was initiated in 2013 by The Anglican Church of Rwanda. It aims to help Christians get out of poverty themselves. Through training, the project helped the beneficiaries to raise over 718 million Rwandan Francs. This sum of money has been used in activities aimed at improving the living conditions of peasant peoples: purchase of large and small batches, construction of houses, education of children, purchase of life insurance, payment of health insurance, protection of the environment, etc.

Apart from that, the project has effectively contributed to the promotion of the unity and reconciliation of the Rwandan people who were shattered by the Genocide against Tutsi which was committed in Rwanda in 1994.
The choice of celebrating CCMP’s achievements in Gisanga (Shyogwe Diocese) was motivated by the fact that Gisanga was the parish that excellently put the project’s philosophy into practice.

The ceremonies were enhanced by the presence of the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, His Grace Dr Laurent Mbanda, Bishop of Shyogwe Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jered Kalimba, the highest authorities of the country at the national, provincial, district levels, … representatives of churches in Rwanda, Pastors of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Christians and the local population.

In all, 21671 families were trained and 8917 new Christians accepted Jesus-Christ as their Lord and Savior. More than 18267 families have purchased health insurance (Mutuelle De Santé). Children from 11292 families have access to education and have benefited from school material. More than 333 cows have been distributed to the population; and to that must be added 16890 little cattle. More than 537 houses were built and 1915 renewed. More than 394 parcels were purchased. More than 1968 toilets were built and 4636 renewed. The project was carried out in 11 dioceses of the Anglican Church, in the Association of Baptist Churches in Rwanda (AEBR) and within the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR).